关灯 护眼
笔趣阁 > 盛世铸青春 > 第010章 山河过眼世闻名

第010章 山河过眼世闻名

“How could this happened?“

“I used to be told that the train in your country was so slow that......“

“So, this is what China real like!“

“Could you please tell me more about this great country?“








“Hi, sorry to interrupt. My friend just said that you wanted to know more about this train and China, right?“

“Yes, of course!“

“Is that your friend have......“

“Well, yeah. She is having a throatache these days.“

“Ok then, hope she will get better soon.“

“So, this train is the High-speed rail train with china standard. Whoes Design Speed is 350kilometer per hour.“

“And it was named as 'Fu Xing Hao' which expressed 'The Chinese Dream', hopeing our counttry developing faster and faster.“


“Wee to China, but I think when youe to China next time, maybe you should learn more Chinese, without just a simple few words.“

“Because in my mind, Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world, which contain s many valuable cultural element.“

推荐阅读: 盗墓笔记戏到深处自行入场 被武魂殿丢弃后开始扮演绿藻头 从源计划杀上虚空 这个仙朝有点猛 修仙从地煞七十二术开始 大明疯皇 重生年代之发家致富抱大腿 团宠崽崽的神医娘亲又野又飒 开局灭了龙傲天前夫 穿成恶毒婆婆后我成了团宠